How does wholesale work?
Except for drop-shipping, we are also doing wholesale. If you are a professional retailer or have a physical store, it will be a very good option. The product cost will be much lower compared with drop-shipping. The minimum order quantity is 10 pairs. The graph below shows how wholesale works.
What service do you offer for wholesale partner?
Which country can you ship to?
For wholesale business, the shipping is more complicated due to the customs reason, so we only can ship to US and Some Europe countries. For other countries, please contact us firstly to make sure if we can do.
Any requirement for wholesale partner?
Yes, not any one can be our wholesale partner. The requirements are blow:①Had purchased two products from us at least. If you didn’t purchase from us, you won’t know the product quality we offer.
②If you didn’t purchased from us before, you need to pay entrance feel, which is $199.
③The minimum order quantity of whole order is 10 pairs. The minimum order quantity of one style is 2 pairs
Do you have minimum order quantity for wholesale?
Yes,①The minimum order quantity of one style is 2 pairs (could be different size);
②The minimum order quantity of whole order is 10 pairs;
What price will you offer?
Price depends on product version, style and quantity you want. Please follow the steps below to get the price①Please contact us on WhatsApp firstly. Click HERE
②Tell us the product you want;
③We will make the price list
What version of the sneaker do you offer.
We offer 3 kinds different sneaker versions. They are AI (Best quality), LH (Secondary Best quality), LM (High Quality). You can check out the graph below to learn more about their difference.
What packaging do you do?
We provide two packaging ways for our customersSneaker with box
We won’t do anything with sneaker and its box, just put them in a big box. When you receive the sneaker, all things are in original condition normally. However, the shipping fee of this packaging will be higher, because the sneaker box will take up more space. The pic below shows how we do the packaging as this way.
(Sneaker with box)
We will take down the sneaker box as the pic shows below. We'll put the dismantled sneaker box on top of the shoes and pack them together. You need to reassemble the sneaker box by yourself after receiving. The shipping fee of this packaging way will be lower, but please note that the shoe may be squeezed a little bit.
(Take down the sneaker box)
What shipping fee do you do?
We will calculate the shipping fee based on the packaging way you choose. Please note that, the shipping fee in the price list is a estimated amount according to our past experience, so it won’t be very accurate. We will only know the actual shipping fee after we have packed done. If the actual shipping fee is higher than the estimated amount, please pay the difference. If the actual shipping fee is lower than the estimated amount, we will refund you.
How can I pay you?
Please notice that, we only accept the western union or wire transfer. If you choose the wire, the total amount will add extra 50 USD.
What if my package is seized by customs office
It rarely happens, but if it happens, we will compensate you as as info bellow①$11/KG x Package weight
②Full refund of shipping fee
For example, the package weight is 25kg and you pay 200 USD on shipping. If the package is seized by customs. We will refund you
25kg*$11/kg+200USD=475 USD
How long it will take for my customer to receive the package
It depends on which shipping method you choose and the country of recipient.Triangle Shipping
Trianlge shipping is the safest way, because it can help customer to avoid the customs tax as much as possible. The whole preparation and shipping time is usually around 9-19 days. This is because we need to ship out your package to a MIDDLE country firstly from China, and then your package will be delivered to your country from that MIDDLE country.
Direct Shipping
Direct Shipping is very fast, especially for shipping to U.S, but it takes much longer time on preparation part. The disadvantage of direct shipping is that customers are likely to pay customs duties, especially for shipping to Europe country, Canada and Mexico. If customers very mind this point, please don't choose this shipping method.